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[ F ] Depuis le fond de son puits, la grenouille vit paisiblement, à l’abri et sans souci. Elle ne peut s’imaginer qu’il existe un ailleurs, jusqu’à ce que la tortue, se pointe au portail de sa demeure et lui parle de l’océan. Quoi? Est-ce possible que l’univers s’étende au-delà de son puits? La vastitude du monde est bien relative.


[ E ] At the bottom of a well lives a frog — peaceful, trouble-free, and unable to imagine that there are better places than her home anywhere on Earth. That is, until a turtle shows up at her home and tells her about the ocean. Is it actually possible that a fascinating world exists beyond her well? This frog is about to find out that the vastness of the world can sometimes seem quite relative.


Au fond du puits

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